My husband and I are both great admirers of taxidermy and the way taxidermists can preserve the immense beauty of the animals we harvest. We enjoy it so much so that the walls of our house and garage are adorned with it; whether its shoulder, European or skull plate mounts. We have numerous deer, a few birds and an antelope. Of course we hope to be lucky enough to add even more to our mix. I really like deer with a unique set of horns; very non-typical. I like the ones with drop tines, kickers, etc. Hunters differ in their preference for which deer they have done for taxidermy –some like the really heavy and tall, some like heavy with lots of points, some care very much about width and some love tall and spindly; but whatever their preference, it really is about appreciating these animals. Here are a few from our collection….
Mule Deer 178 5/8″ (Aaron)
Mule Deer 178 2/8″ (Aaron)
Mule Deer; my first one!
Our taxidermist of choice is Quinn Dorchester of Westerose Wilderness Taxidermy. He is locally based, a lover of animales and hunting and an all-around great guy who takes great pride in all of his work whether it be mounts, custom log work, furniture and art. His rates are reasonable and the work is always worth any wait time. Quinn did an amazing job on all aspects of our mounts right down to the perfectly place drops of moisture on the whiskers. The photos I have included in this blog (above) don’t begin to do his work justice.
We have a few bins of sheds that are overflowing from walking through our many acres of bush and through neighbours’ fields (with permission of course). One day I hope to make a chandelier, to join our living room lamp I made. Although where we’d put a chandelier is a bit of a conundrum but… I’ll worry about that later.
Let’ see your mounts!!
1 Comment
This lamp is Amazing Sam!!
Love reading your blogs! Keep up the great work!